Audio Engineering Short Courses
- specialised professional engineers
- hands-on experience
- small class size
Enrolling Now for the next Live/Studio Mixing course:
Tues 7pm - 9pm 2nd Feb 2021
16 hr course (8 x 2 hr sessions over 8 weeks).
Certificate on completion.
This introductory course will cost $440 and is a prerequisite for other courses.
Book early to avoid disappointment as class sizes are limited.
Call Paul on 0411 037 815 between 10am & 8pm (Aust EST) or email paul@angelstudios.com.au for more information.
Course covers: basic skills needed for live and studio mixing, including
- sound theory
- mixing styles
- microphone techniques
- cabling
- amplifiers and P.A.s
- foldback
- patch bays
- equalizers
- dynamic effects
- monitoring
- spatial mixing, & mastering
Course Convenor: Dr. Paul Day